Terminal Settings

In Terminal settings the basic setup are done the first time the Terminal screen is put up. Typically this is already configured by the delivery team at How Many Strokes.

You can always contact support by e-mail at: support@howmanystrokes.com or call us at +45 7239 1000 if you need help

Overview Settings Layout :

  1. When installing the Terminal Screen for the first time the Terminal ID is needed
  2. When installing the Terminal Screen for the first time the Terminal PIN is needed. Click on the eye icon to see the PIN code
  3. Upload the club logo to view on the screen. A transparent logo in PNG format is preferred
  4. Depending on the number of courses and number of tee boxes, you can move this up and down on the conversion table on the screen. Try to change the values and see how it looks in the Terminal  preview
  5. Resize the course buttons on the conversion table to have the best possible design. For very long course names it is a good idea to have smaller buttons
  6. In case you club has more than one course, you can customize the button layout to best fit the number of courses that you have. Put in the number of rows that you need here
  7. For each row you can choose how many columns you want in each row. It work like a matrix where you set ROW x Columns values
  8. In cases where you only have one columns in a row, you will also have the option to set the with and the alignment of the button



Overview Optional Settings:

  1. Set the time the Terminal screen will be at sleep during off hours. The screen will turn black when the sleep function is on
  2. Turn on the screen saver and set how long between users it should stay on. Normally it takes a player between 20 and 30 seconds to complete
  3. Disable the conversion table and only allow the screen saver to run. This can be handy if you have one screen that is only functioning as an information board
  4. If you have a bigger screen it is possible to have the Terminal screen oriented in landscape. This will permanently show all information including the conversion table on the screen
  5. Switch the position of the info boxes and the green info buttons. Enable this to put the green info button on top of the Today’s course update boxes
  6. Enable “Forced Carry” will display the the longest tee shot on each tee box. The length for each tee box is set on each tee in “Courses Slope/Rating”
  7. This will replace the App Store mobile QR code with the you own Mobile QR on the Terminal screen
  8. Select between the two different handicap system. 2020 is including course rating minus par and 2019 is excluding course rating minus par. Read more about the difference between the two systems and where they are used here.
  9. Enable weather forecast on the conversion table
  10. Enable weather forecast on the screen saver
  11. Choose between 24 hour and AM/PM time
  12. Choose between m/s and mi/h windspeed
  13. Choose between meter and yards
  14. Choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit
  15. Save your changes when you are done

Overview Screensaver overlay:

  1. Enable screensaver overlay
  2. Select “Click here” button type
  3. Type the text for the first text section. Note that text can be multiple lines. Emoji’s is supported
  4. Type what text you want in the “Click here” button and enable pointing finger. Emoji’s is supported
  5. Type the text for the second text section. Note that text can be multiple lines. Emoji’s is supported
  6. Select the font that you want to use
  7. Select text color and transparency
  8. Set the color and transparency of the text shadow. Select the shadow distance and blur, for example 3,3,3
  9. Fadeout bottom will create a a dark faded background behind the Info boxes and green buttons. This will ensure optimal readability
  10. Enable you club’s logo on the screen saver. Set the size and location on the page
  11. Enable a sponsor logo on the screen saver. Set the size and location on the page
  12. Save the changes when you are done

Remember that you can use the “Preview Terminal” if you want to see your changes without going to the physical Terminal screen