How Many Strokes Management system
Management System overview
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Schedule Pin position, today’s course, opening hours and much more in the new calandar
Today’s course update is the info boxes on the screen. Here you can show the daily course information. For example Stimpmeter, Today’s course, Pin Position, Clubhouse hours and much more.
The information can be changes in the Management system, the mobile course update App or scheduled in the built-in calendar.
Calendar overview:
Much of the information that you want to show in the info boxes are planned ahead. Today’s course, Pin position, Clubhouse open hours etc. can be scheduled in the calendar for a period or the whole year if needed.
Give admin users limited access to Portal
In some cases, you would want to limit access to the portal for some users. It could be that you need someone to update screen savers or QR code links, but don’t want them to be able to change the club and course data. In this case, you can now have limited admin users that can only access what you allow.
This feature is in an early stage, and you need to contact us to set this up for you. We are in the process of developing a “user admin” menu that will allow you as an admin to manage users and access rights.

Easy preview Terminal screen
In summary…